Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bitterness: The Painkiller Jesus Refused

Bitterness: The Painkiller Jesus Refused
33 And when they came to a place called Golgotha, which means Place of a Skull, 34 they gave Him wine to drink mixed with gall; and after tasting it, He was unwilling to drink. Matthew 27:33-34 (NASB)

Gall: 1 a: especially : bile obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicine b: something bitter to endure c: bitterness of spirit

As I have been studying the Scriptures dealing with unforgiveness, the Lord has been unveiling the “self-preserving” painkillers we as humans turn to in times of hurt and offence. The Scriptures are full of promises, including promises no one wants, such as the promise that we will get hurt and offended by those closest to us. I have found that I don’t get tempted to pick up an offense by people I don’t have close relationship with, no I am tempted to get offended with those that are the most beloved to me.

In times of hurt and personal offence, we have to look to Jesus as we are tempted to pick up the offence and thus tempted to pick up the painkiller called bitterness. Bitterness is birthed out of another soulish painkiller called unforgiveness. Only Jesus holds the healing to our wounded hearts and souls and only the CROSS holds the power of destroying these deceitful painkillers.
As we fix our eyes upon Jesus, we see that on the way to the CROSS, He was offered a painkiller of wine and gall. Upon what appeared to be an act of mercy, Jesus refused the drink. He willingly refused to take anything that would numb His pain. We live in a culture that “at all costs” escapes pain through all sorts of pain reducers. Go to the drug store and walk down the multiple isles of “pain relievers” that line the shelves.

Let me ask you some question: When the pain comes, how do you survive? What do you turn to in order to reduce the pain? Do you drink the soulish painkiller of bitterness birthed from unforgiveness or do you refuse to allow your soul the opportunity to escape pain. Do you operate in self-preservation and choke those around you until they pay you back? Do you let bitterness eat at the core of who you are and thus destroy the work of grace Jesus has done inside of you?

I suggest we go to the CROSS with Jesus. He refused the cup of bitterness as he drank the cup of His Father’s wrath. Imagine, he refused one cup (the painkiller) only to exhaust another cup (God’s wrath)! See Jesus desires us to bring to Him an offering…a freewill offering. He desires us to pour out our bitterness upon Him, because He already endured it. He knows that this painkiller will ultimately destroy us. He knows that this painkiller will only lead to others becoming spoiled by our bitterness. He knows what it is like to suffer to the depth of perfection in regard to having those closest to Him offend Him and turn upon Him. YET, He refused to drink the cup of bitterness, so that you and I would not have to drink this cup of poison.

As Jesus hung on that cross, He was able to strike a death blow to these painkillers of unforgiveness and bitterness as He cried out these words, “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing!” As you read this, begin to refuse the cup of bitterness. Don’t drink from this inferior offer of pain reduction! Look to the CROSS and displace the bitterness by drinking from the cup of mercy and grace…forgive those that have hurt you! Release them from the debt they owe you. They will never be able to “pay you back.” Offer up to Jesus an offering that is acceptable to Him…take the cup of bitterness and give it to Him, certainly He will know what to do with it. Certainly it will be swallowed up by His grace and forgiveness!

Pastor Bryan

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last Chance

Last Chance!
Today is a day that God has providentially set apart for His purpose. Once the votes are cast we will be left to prayerfully watch and listen as the results come in. As a Christian, I have no choice but to a TRUST in God’s sovereignty when it comes to this election. Don’t misinterpret what I am communicating, I don’t believe in just taking my hand off of the wheel and simply and politely praying, “let Thy kingdom come, let Thy will be done as it is in Heaven,” no I have been praying specifically for Him to move in a very specific direction, yet there is a time to TRUST Him in His foresight and divine wisdom to simply move upon His people (saved and unsaved) to fulfill His purpose in the EARTH, not just the United States. That means we will have to accept the results and “put our hand to the plow and not look back.” Today, regardless of the results, is not a day to think in terms of victory or defeat. No today is a day to take up the Biblical posture of “standing still” and seeing the hand of the Lord move upon His people.

As Christians, we tend to be myopic and very short-sighted when it comes to moments like today. We tend to look through our political lenses all the while sometimes missing the kingdom perspective of our Lord Jesus. I believe now is the time to continue to pray, but pray for the courage and stamina to submit to the next President and when the results come in, to be a people who doesn’t sit back apathetically now that the results are in, but be those who will actually step up to the plate and say “here I am Lord, send me…use me!”

The results of this election will give a clear and wonderful direction to us as a people! We will now have new marching orders and a clear understanding of how now to pray and operate. I am reminded of Psalm 37 as I write this…the psalmist says, “…fret not, it leads only to evil doing.” The entire Psalm is a declaration of trust and assurance in the Providence and goodness of the Lord. The Word is very clear that whoever our leaders are, we are deserving of them. Meaning, they are simply a reflection of US as a people. No matter what your political bent, can you as a man or woman of God look into the mirror and let God illuminate how you can better govern yourself, so as not to have to rely upon a man or woman to bail us out or save us!

Cast your vote! Let it be a vote of trust to our great Sovereign. 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)

Pastor Bryan Schwartz